A child is successor in the family. When the child grows he or she takes the responsibilities of parents by accepting the duties. So as to make the child fully developed and responsible, health of child is of utmost importance. The health of child if improper can lead to undeveloped adult who can’t take responsibilities and help the family. Parenting is particularly critical when it comes to child’s health.

Children suffer from lot of ailments like weight gain, less desire for food, recurrent cold and cough, frequent gastric upset, concentration difficulties etc. These ailments if not treated can lead to serious consequences like if cough and cold is not treated can result into Asthma, Frequent gastric upset can lead to retarted growth, Less amount of time from parents can lead to behavioural issues like irritability, anger, obstinacy, temper-tantrums, fears, phobias, destructiveness; and thumb- sucking, nail biting, bed-wetting; as well as in mentally and physically backward children.
Unlike Allopathic medicines, homeopathic pills do not hamper digestion, or lower body's resistance. Neither do they cause any allergies nor cause any damage even if taken over a long period. Children, willingly ingest homeopathic pills being sweet in taste. Indeed, homeopathy is child-friendly. Besides, homeopathy is effective also in temperament and behavioural problems seen commonly in children like irritability, obstinacy, temper-tantrums, fears, phobias, destructiveness; and thumb- sucking, nail biting, bed-wetting; as well as in mentally and physically backward children.
Homeopathy as a disease treatment option is safe and effective method. It takes care of the immune system and also reduces the chances of developing other diseases. Homeopathy is based on like treats like. The natural substances used in homeopathy treatment makes the body efficient and the immune system is made strong with the treatment. No other damage occurs to the body and hence the chances of developing other chronic diseases as we age decreases.

Homeopathy though takes time to cure the disease but over a period of time the root cause of disease is eradicated. Even children love the sweet taste of these Homeopathic medicines and helps in overall development of the child. No other medication takes care of the overall development of child. Even the bone development takes place as a result of the Biochemic ingredient present in Homeopathic medicines.
But care should be taken by parents in taking advice from a genuine Homeopathic consultant.
Some of the factors which need to be considered while choosing homeopathic consultant for your children are:
1) Patients treated successfully by the doctor.
2) Knowledge of the relevance of the natural substance used in the Treatment of disease.
3) Does the doctor treats patient holistically?
The best Homeopathic consultant at Indore is Dr.S.Faujdar who has treated more than a lakh patients successfully with results. He treats children behaviourally and physically. He uses natural substances which are having no side effects and thus prevents any harm to immune system and takes care of child’s overall development.